Minimize HSE Risks
Before installing a Vigil antislip product, talk to us. Once the Safar Oilfield Supplies team understands your working environment and the nature of the hazards, we can recommend the best solution to minimize HSE risks. What is the hazard location? E.g. Level 5 steps to heli-deck, elevated walkway from tank B-42 to B-43, commercial kitchen, sports venue stairway, ramp to arena, etc. What is the site type? o Offshore, industrial, commercial, mixed What are your traffic levels? o Heavy, medium, low, vehicles What is the hazard o Stairways, walkways, ramps, ladders What medium are you currently using and what the dimensions? o Steel grating, steel plate, concrete, other o Steps W x D; ladders W x Dia.; ramps L x W Our team looks forward to helping you find the right product for your needs. #oilfieldsupplies #Safar #safaroil #inventory #vigil